Lifeless and Smelly
A man with no life had a plan,
To live his whole life in a van.
But his life became hell
Once it started to smell,
So he bathed in the
Lifeless and Smelly
A man with no life had a plan,
To live his whole life in a van.
But his life became hell
Once it started to smell,
So he bathed in the
The End
Our story of bloodshed ends here.
The moral is certainly clear.
That a cat and a man,
Cannot think of a plan
That is clever and very austere.
R.I.P Kit
In a place where the people are gray.
Was the place Brownie wanted to stay.
He will always love Kit,
For his charm and his wit
And to think that his cat was a stray!
Sorry, its not good, but there is no way I'm killing off both main characters!
Fruitless Revenge
When Brownie began to walk back
The queen’s guard started giving him flak.
Brownie took out his gun,
And the battle was won,
Because guards don’t know how to attack.
Old Brownie had one more surprise.
His temperature began to rise.
He grabbed hold of the queen,
And he ripped out her spleen
Then he gouged out the Russian Czar’s eyes.
Brownie’s wise kitten died last.
And his death was quick, painless and fast.
When he got out the car,
The mad queen and the Czar
Beat him down, and his body they cast.
Royalty, Part IV
The plan that old Brownie created,
was wait till her power abated.
The wise cat said, “Don’t try,
You can never defy,
An old queen who has never been hated.”
Sorry, you have to wait till tommorow to see what the "secret plan" is.
Then Brownie came up with a plan.
As they drove along in their sedan.
When he told it to Kit,
His old cat had a fit,
And he stopped him before it began!
I'm liking the idea of the man and his cat, but I need a couple of good names that will fit in meter. Got suggestions?
Royalty, (cont’d)
When the man and his cat drove away,
the sky turned from sunny to gray.
But what they didn’t know,
Was that ten years ago,
Queen Elizabeth wore a toupee!
A whimsical man and a kitten,
was driving around in
When along came the queen,
she was acting obscene
her behavior was blatantly smitten.
Foolish, Yet Brave
The squall was unrivaled in power.
It knocked down the radio tower.
When along came a boy,
Who sought to destroy
The windstorm within the next hour.
Sorry, I fell asleep at my computer last night, and didn't post it.
The Real 16th President
Abraham Lincoln was yelling
On this fact his wife was still dwelling.
She said, “Abe never shouts,
He just sits and he pouts.
I wish he was not so compelling!”
A Bad Case of the Crazies
A man with a very large nose,
Decided to cut off his toes.
The floor got all bloody,
The ground became muddy.
And now there is dirt on his clothes.
Now You Know the Real Santa Claus
St. Nicholas has many flaws.
He never abides by the laws.
But he has to admit,
He will always submit,
To his old loving wife Mrs. Claus.
This is dedicated to Homer and his epic poem, "The Odyssey" and the essay I had to write about it. NOTE: I did not abide by the rules stated, nor did I receive the punishment!
Essay Guidelines
When writing an essay for school.
Abide by the number one rule.
That almighty law,
States, “you must wear a bra,
Or else you’ll be forced to eat stool.”
A homeowner looked at his yard.
And found out that it had been marred.
As he thought about why
He exclaimed with a sigh,
“Now my beautiful yard has been scarred!”
The Eskimos’ igloo was icky.
His carpet was covered in whiskey.
On the previous night,
There had been a large fight,
He also was robbed by Ms. Vicky.
Religiously Inclined Horse Riders
Hording a horse from its master,
Is a good way to cause a disaster.
Because jockeys don’t play
When their horse is away,
They just go and drink tea with their pastor.
A General Giraffe
A tall Serengeti giraffe,
Was splitting a cookie in half.
The giraffe was surprised,
When his fortune apprised.
He became the new head chief of staff.
The Frivolous Foreigner
A frivolous, Japanese man,
Was heating up soup from a can.
But the man burnt his lip,
When he took a long sip
He cooled off in the
Edgar’s Elephants
When Edgar goes into the zoo,
Enmity starts to accrue.
But when Edgar says, “Bye,”
All the elephants cry
And the chimpanzees start to fling poo.
David the Dingo
David the dingo was dining.
But his kangaroo meal kept on whining.
So he yelled with a roar,
“I do not feel rapport!”
And he ate as the sun went on shining.
Chris the Cleaner
There once was a cleaner named Chris.
Who had an addiction to Swiss.
When the cheese ran all out,
Then Chris started to shout.
His demeanor went badly amiss.
If you haven't noticed, I'm taking the suggestion of a reader and going down the alphabet with my limerick titles. Thanks for the suggestion. (I can't wait for "X" and "Q"). i was thinking of adding small pictures to poems also. what do you think? Please comment.
Boris the Blacksmith
Boris the blacksmith was flying.
And gravity he was defying.
But then out of the blue,
Something shaped like a shoe
Bopped old’ Boris and he started crying.
Abby the Angel
There once was an angel named Abby.
Her demeanor is always unhappy.
But when all sorts of ants
Prowl through poor Abby’s pants,
All her clothing begins to look shabby.
The Annoying Child
A child was feeling distraught.
He felt all his deeds were for naught.
When his father asked why
He exclaimed with a sigh,
“All the kids at school think I am snot!”
I hope you like it. Its not my greatest limerick, but, you know what they say: "Every poet has their day." or something along those lines!
The Elderly Man
The elderly man was a grump.
His belly was also quite plump.
But when John came to town
The hunkered down frown
Became something that looked like a hump.
Kleptomaniac Clams
A butcher was chopping some meat.
The order was almost complete.
When, alas came a clam
He made off with the ham.
And the clam made a hasty retreat.
My passion for limericks accrues.
But I still need to look for my muse.
If you know where to go
To find ideas that grow,
Let me know because I won’t refuse.
The Russian Car
A Russian man went to his car.
And lit up a Cuban cigar.
When he drives through the mire,
His car is on fire,
Because that’s the command of the Czar.
The Passé Carpenter
A carpenter in the café,
Just ordered a cup of Earl Grey.
But the man did not know
That his cup was aglow.
And his clothing was very passé.
How about a good limerick to ease away all your pains?Submit your favorite limericks, your own limericks, and from time to time I'll be writing my own.
How about a good limerick to ease away all your pains?Submit your favorite limericks, your own limericks, and from time to time I'll be writing my own.